Capsules & pods
Coffee pods are one of the cleanest and most comfortable ways to bring the real Italian espresso home, to the office or to small shops, hotels and restaurants. Often, pods are used in the decaffeinated format, even in coffee shops. Coffee in capsules, on the other hand, is one of the most practical methods for consuming coffee at home or at work and is rapidly conquering the home coffee consumer market.

apri capsule

Nespresso capsules 100% Dolce Arabica
Nespresso compatible

Nespresso capsules 50/50 Gran Crema
Nespresso compatible

Nespresso capsules decaf coffee
Nespresso compatible

Nespresso capsules India Monsooned
Nespresso compatible

Paper pods 100% Dolce Arabica
ESE paper pods

Paper pods 50/50 Gran Crema
ESE paper pods

Paper pods decaf coffee
ESE paper pods

Just coffee organic paper pods
The advantages of capsules & pods
The advantages of coffee pods and capsules are obvious: great ease of use and cleaning, no specific skill or technique required and above all: an excellent and stable quality of extraction.
The variables that can affect the quality of espresso, such as dosage, grinding and pressing, are not an issue. To this we add no waste of ground coffee and a cleaning of the equipment from a very limited coffee use.