This space is dedicated to those who want to approach coffee roasting in a serious and professional way, with the support of the best available tools. For those of you who want to roast their coffee without needing complex and large machinery, or for the roaster who seeks professional and analytical tools to improve the quality of their coffee. Evaluate the best roast profiles thanks to the electronic colorimeter, measure the humidity and density of your coffee with the appropriate tools. Evaluate the best beans with our professional sieves for green or ground coffee and our cupping spoons.

Cupping bowls

Cupping spoon

Gene Cafè roasting machine
roasting machine

Green coffee sieves
size of the grain

Infrared Thermometer for Roasting and Cooling

Lighttells CM-100 colorimeter
coffee roasting

Resealable paper doypack bags
with valve

Roasted coffee cooling sieves
roasted coffee

Sieves set
for ground coffee

Sinar humidity meter
green & roasted coffee

Tasting aromas kit
24 aromas

Wooden cupping spoon
Wood'n Coffee