Blue Mountain
Aromatic notes
High altitude, as we know, is the realm of best quality coffees. As happens with some wines, even in high-altitude coffees, the temperature range between day and night tends to enhance, the scents and aromas. For this reason the mountains are also the cradle of the king of Jamaican coffees, the famous Blue Mountain.
€33,50 – €55,00

Would you like to contact Rob The Roaster for more information on coffees and roasting profiles? Write to him at info@caffelab.it

Blue Mountains, Kingstone
Saint Andrew
Growth altitude:
1200-1500 mt a.s.l.
Blue Mountain
Processing method:
Everything you want to know
Its production area are the Blue Mountains in Jamaica, a magnificent mountain range that rises more than 2,500 meters above sea level. The high altitude, the mistiness of the area, but at the same time, the low level of annual rainfall, lead to a slow maturation of the coffee cherries. In this region they can take more than ten months to become mature (compared to other areas where the process doesn't take more than 4-5 months). Also the beans are larger and with a greater aromatic complexity and concentration of flavors.
No doubt that this coffee would not be so famous without the role of the Jamaican government, which regulates the production and distribution of coffee. For example, only coffee grown between an altitude of 1000-2000 meters above sea level may bear the name of the Jamaica Blue Mountain. If the plants grow between 500-1000 meters above sea level the coffee is instead named Jamaica High Mountain Coffee. Again, the coffee harvested below 500 meters above sea level will have the name of Jamaica Low Mountain or Jamaica Supreme Coffee.
In addition to these altitude rules, geographical parameters also ensure the quality of the coffee: only plots with the correct exposure to the sun and the correct composition of the terroir will be able to honor the coffee they produce with the title of Jamaica Blue Mountain, a a bit like our DOC in Italian wine.
For this evaluation, the coffee was extracted with espresso at 94°C with an extraction of 25 ml in 27 seconds. The degassing of the coffee took 48 hours. The crema has a light hazelnut color with beautiful nuances. The aromas are delicate, with notes of tobacco and vanilla. The taste of this coffee is not full-bodied, with a marked but not intrusive acidity and a decidedly light bitterness.