
Villa Corzo

green-planet specialty


Moka/Espresso and filter

Aromatic notes

  • MALT
A coffee grown in the highlands of Chiapas, characterized by a good body and distinct sweetness.



Origin: Chiapas

Finca: Villa Corzo

Growth altitude: 1100 - 1300 mt a.s.l.

Variety: Caturra, Costarica 95, Oro Azteca, Catimor e Marsellesa

Processing method: Washed

Certifications: Specialty Coffee

Cupping score: 83 points SCA

Everything you want to know

The Villa Corzo region, located in the heart of Chiapas, is renowned for its production of exceptionally high-quality specialty coffee, locally known as "Oro Verde" (Green Gold). This area benefits from ideal agroclimatic conditions, including favorable altitude, fertile soils, and rich biodiversity. Essential to coffee cultivation are the region's distinctive climate, with dry and rainy seasons alternating to support the coffee plants' life cycle. During the harvest period, cooler and less rainy weather conditions facilitate prolonged fermentation and efficient drying of the beans, significantly enhancing the quality of the coffee produced.

Local producers, many of whom are small-scale farmers, employ traditional cultivation methods and practice organic farming to preserve soil health and enrich the aromatic profile of the beans. These farmers are engaged in the "Alliance for Sustainable Landscapes and Markets" project, an initiative aimed at restoring a sustainable landscape in the protected biospheres of La Sepultura and El Triunfo through significant reforestation activities and replanting of new coffee plants.

After harvest, coffee varieties such as Caturra, Costarica 95, Oro Azteca, Catimor, and Marsellesa are processed using the washed method. This includes depulping the fruits followed by fermentation in water tanks for 24-48 hours. After fermentation, the beans are dried on patios adjacent to the farmers' homes for 12-14 days, until the desired moisture level is reached.

In the cup, Villa Corzo coffee is distinguished by its balanced acidity, rich body, and aromatic notes of hazelnut, chocolate, and malt. These characteristics blend into a sweet and lingering aftertaste.

This lot has scored 83 points according to the SCA cupping protocol.

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