Duo Drip Coffee

Double metal cone

An innovative metal dripper: two cones with two different filtering capacities that allow the barista to experiment with new techniques of coffee brewing.




Everything you want to know

The Duo Drip is a double-cone made of stainless steel. An innovative extraction method that allows the barista to achieve the perfect turbulence using different recipes and combinations.

With this brewing tool, you'll be able to extract the coffee by percolation and moistening at the same time therefore distinguishing all aromatic notes of Specialty Coffees.

Furthermore, you won't need to wet the paper filter or to pre-infuse and the extraction time is much faster, with a very pleasant and balanced result in the cup. The upper cone is positioned inside the lower cone and the liquid extracted from the first cone will be directly infused from the inside of the ground coffee, placed in the second cone.

2 different textures for 2 different results:

  • cone with thin texture / small holes: for a slow extraction - perfect without pre-infusion
  • cone with very thin texture / very small holes: for a very slow extraction - extremely clean result in the cup

The first extraction is the base for the second: it influences the aromatic notes in the cup, especially if two different coffee types are used.

The second extraction will enhance the qualities of the coffee used. In the lower cone it is in fact possible to play with all types of coffee, tea or other products (such as fruit or spices for example). If you're a barista, bartender or just a coffee lover, you'll enjoy this tool to experiment with mixology techniques.

2 different cones for 2 types of extraction:

  • upper cone: extraction by percolation
  • lower cone: extraction by moisture / infusion

The Duo Drip can be compared to a Rubik's Cube for the barista: the new tool that the mixology barista will fall in love with!

In fact, imagination is the main ingredient for making coffee with the Duo Drip. The barista will be able to play with different coffee blends, different roasting profiles, different grind settings and different amounts of ground coffee.

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