Iced Coffee Box

Summer Best Seller Box

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If you’re a fan of cold coffee, including the famous Cold Brew and Iced Coffee, this is the box for you: the perfect summer day truly exists, come find out how to make it even better!

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Everything you want to know

Coffee for Cold Brew

Immerse yourself in summer the right way: by seeking moments of freshness and lightness with cold brew coffee. Enjoy a fresh and silky taste, perfect for your summer days and evenings. The perfect summer day exists, thanks to the new Cold Brew Coffee Box!

Box Contents:

  • 2 packets of 250g Cold Lab - Cold Brew Blend: Delight your senses with the magic of this coffee, a Specialty blend designed for Cold Brew and summer days. It is composed of three selected farm and specialty Arabica coffees : Costa Rica La Pastora, Ethiopia Mundayo Gayo, and China Ou Yang. This coffee features exceptionally fresh and summery aromatic notes, with caramel, citrus, and stracciatella ice cream flavors. An enveloping summer fragrance will flood your palate.
  • 1 Cold Brew Fic-70 Bottle: With a clean and minimalist design, the Hario Cold Brew bottle is ideal for preparing cold brew coffee at home, the must-have for summer.

Recipe for the Perfect Cold Brew with the Hario Bottle and Cold Lab:

  • Open the filter and fill it with 85g of ground coffee (if grinding fresh, use a coarse grind) and place the top part of the filter.
  • Attach the filter to the neck of the bottle and insert it into the bottle.
  • Pour 700cl of water into the bottle and close it with the cap.
  • Let it rest for at least 8 hours at room temperature or in the fridge in an upright position.
  • Open the bottle and pour directly into glasses: plain, over ice, with milk, soy milk, or almond milk.

This Box is perfect for making coffee at any time of the day: in the morning, mixed with milk for a super wake-up. After meals, for a drink or a refreshing aperitif with a splash of tonic.


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Coffee for Cold Brew


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