“Italian Cappuccino Latte Art”

Latte Art & cappuccino manual

A manual fully dedicated to the preparation of the italian cappuccino and the techniques of Latte Art.


Everything you want to know

"Italian cappuccino Latte Art" is written in two languages, Italian and English and dedicated to the science of cappuccino. A text full of technical content, which not only explains the basic rules for the correct preparation and tasting of cappuccino, but also reveals the secrets of Latte Art.

It was awarded in 2012 with the prestigious SCAE “Best Product of the Show” award at the World of Coffee in Vienna.

A 522 page manual essential for all professionals of the sector, divided into 7 main chapters:

1 - Cappuccino & Espresso

2 - The 5 “L”s of Cappuccino (Milk, Milk Jug, Steam wand, Processing, Latte Art)

3 - Cappuccino tasting

4 - The world of cappuccino

5 - The secrets of Latte Art

6 - New designs

7 - Cappuccino 3D

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