Mokaflor Farm

Coffee that unites!

Mokaflor Farm is our new traceable coffee project for the conscious barista.

Best sellers


Farm Isidro Pereira

9.60 €

Mokaflor Farm 100% arabica

Traceable coffee

9.50 €


Farm Inza Cauca

9.98 €

Traceable coffee means to give value: from plantation to cup 🐆🐘🦜

This project was born to unite the people who cultivate coffee in the countries of origin, those who know how to skillfully and daily transform and roast these extraordinary aromas to our cup. Mokaflor Farm’s goal is to bring together those who grow coffee in distant tropical countries of origin with all the coffee lovers who know how to recognize and appreciate all flavors of this magnificent cup. Mokaflor Farm was born to unite, to bring you the story of those who work in the plantations every day, to fascinate, to enjoy extraordinary moments of taste. Discover it with us!

rainforest robusta WCP

Mokaflor Farm 100% Robusta

Traceable Blend

7.70 €

Mokaflor Farm 100% arabica

Traceable coffee

9.50 €

Mokaflor Farm 90/10

Traceable coffee

9.20 €

Taste lies in balance Try our new Farm line

The world of coffee is experiencing an incredible evolution. Despite the fact that many bars still serve service coffee & low quality, on the other hand, the offer of specialty coffees is growing day by day.

These high-level coffees often have an extreme, very acidic taste, with organoleptic profiles that are sometimes incomprehensible to customers.

How Mokaflor Farm was born

Mokaflor Farm was born as a natural evolution of our vision which, for over 70 years, has always been to select, roast, and offer only high-quality coffees to our customers.

After creating one of the today’s most visited coffee platform in Italy for Specialty coffees, Caffèlab, together with the team of Espresso Academy, Mokaflor’s training center, we’ve developed important skills in terms of green coffee selection and roasting.

Our strong presence in foreign markets has allowed us to capture the evolution of espresso in the world, the desire of baristas to better understand coffee and its origins, while offering a higher quality to their customers.

We’ve combined our roasting experience and long tradition with the personal knowledge developed over the years with many farmers who have helped us, with their coffees and the care they put in every bean they grow, build a coffee offer that reflects their experience.

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