Bar accessories
The result of a great coffee is the union of various components. It’s important to not only rely on the coffee machine, but also on all accessories which help us achieve the best extraction and quality of the final result!

Cup Washer Detergent

Cup Washer Rinse Aid

"Barista in un libro"
Technical manual for the barista

"Brewing in un libro"
basic and intermediate level manual

"L'assaggio del caffè in un libro"
basic and intermediate level manual

"Caffè Verde in un Libro"
Green coffee manual

"Coffee Experts"
coffee manual

"Coffee tasting"
professional tasting manual

"Italian Cappuccino Latte Art"
Latte Art & cappuccino manual

"The espresso coffee production system" NEW EDITION
coffee manual

"Tostatura in un libro"
roaster manual

Acaia Lunar scale
espresso & brewing
The Barista’s secrets!
In a coffee shop there are some small tricks and secrets that can make a huge difference. One of these is the right choice of the most practical and functional bar accessories: from the tamper, to the milk jugs, through the scales, the digital timer and a strong focus on the cleaning kit. These are all trusted friends of a Barista!
In the end, it’s important to remember that all elements and steps which lead to the final extraction, can make a difference.